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Our commitment to direct trade

When it comes to coffee, no two words have been as important as “direct trade” and “fair trade” over the past decade. From where it's grown to how its supply chain works, many coffee drinkers are n...

The Coffee Drying Process

Coffee drying is more than just a process to improve the quality and flavour of the beans, it’s one of the longest processes in post-harvest production and a step that can't be skipped. No matter h...

Why is Vietnamese Coffee so Strong?

 Vietnamese coffee has a reputation for being strong, and when using traditional methods and roast profiles, it definitely is. However, many third-wave coffee shops and specialty roasters have beg...

What is Traditional Vietnamese Coffee?

If you have been to Vietnam or even a Vietnamese restaurant, you will have encountered a traditional Vietnamese coffee. These small, strong coffees are served across Vietnam and are a cornerstone ...

What Does Vietnamese Coffee Taste Like?

Despite being a top global producer, there is not much information out there about the flavor profile of Vietnamese coffees. This is partly because it is a complicated issue. There is a big differ...

Coffee Tasting Exercises to Improve Your Palate

Have you ever looked at the tasting notes on a bag of coffee and wondered why you could not taste those subtle fruity or nutty notes? Rest assured, there is nothing wrong with you! Like the vast m...

How to Brew Coffee with a Percolator

Coffee percolators are a real blast from the past, but retro brewing styles have been making a real comeback, so you may want to give a percolator another look. Originally a stovetop brewing metho...

How to Make Vietnamese Coffee Without a Filter

Have you ever felt like a traditional Vietnamese coffee but don’t have the right equipment at home?  This is not an uncommon problem, but luckily, it is possible to make Vietnamese coffee without ...
